Monday, October 15, 2012

greek for a day

We were a little reluctant to do the day trip to Greece after reading many reviews about the crowds. But we are so glad we went because we are quickly realizing that this is the time to visit Greece and Turkey. While it is still hot, there is no one here! After boarding our barely 30% full ferry we were off for a short ride across the water. We entered Greece with no problems. They even move families with children through the line up first. Girl is very popular with her blonde hair in these parts. She hates people looking at her or touching her hair, but she doesn't make a big deal of it. Some of the travel blogs we follow have blond children that are having a really hard time in Asia being photographed constantly and touched. (We haven't mentioned this to her yet, although I am thinking her old look of two braids and a hat may be back for that leg!).

We spent a few minutes in the touristy area and bought a few postcards.
The woman running the shop was originally from New York, now married to a Greek man and has lived in Greece for thirty years. We had a chat and she suggested we rent bikes and go to one of her favourite restaurants a bike ride away. We all love riding bikes and the island has lovely flat designated bike paths. After looking for a bike rental place with kid's bikes we were on our way.
So fun to get out of town and explore the island.
We rode for quite a while, beyond anything touristy and made it to a lovely restaurant by the sea. Lunch was winding down but they graciously let us sit down and order.
The children wrote postcards while we waited...
Greek salad is Girl's favourite food and Greece didn't disappoint!
After lunch we made our way along the water...
Explored ancient ruins (no big deal)...
Saw lots of empty resorts...
Took a swim and a rest before heading home.
Have I mentioned that we live at the top of the steepest hill ever? So after a lovely day there is still time to fit in the P.E. component of our homeschooling with a gruelling 1km uphill climb. I can't seem to take a photo that truly expresses the pain of the hill.
We live beyond what you see here.

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