Monday, May 28, 2012


Just back from visiting friends in Toronto, Ontario. I haven't been to the city in over fifteen years (long before kids) and I was pleasantly surprised to discover parts of the city with a slower pace in mind. As the purpose of the visit was to meet the new baby of friends - I got to enjoy lots of nature strolls right out their city door. The trails in this park were filled with families on bikes heading to the farmer's market, toddlers wandering down tree lined-lanes and lots of friendly people.

Monday, May 14, 2012

I love not camping

My friends know that in recent years my motto has been "I love not camping". Well, that can't be my motto while travelling on a shoestring with my family for a year... I just know that we will be faced with rough conditions including peeing over a hole on a moving train.
So I am embracing my camping side as best as I can. A good place to start is our little rustic cabin - no running water or electricity, just one room, an outhouse and a beach...

and so many great memories.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

99 days until departure!

A friend emailed me today to tell me that we leave in 99 days! Clearly she is checking my blog, so I need to get more diligent on the posting. Right now it feels like we are wading through a jungle. So much to do, sort out, get rid of etc in order to be free of all our worldly possessions. Look, I get that these are "problems" I've created for myself and I'm not complaining. I'm happy and excited!
So on my top priority list right now is to rent out our house - and this little nature walk is right out our door. Who wouldn't want to live in this Canadian jungle?!