Friday, April 13, 2012

stinging nettle cure

Spring on our rural property means stinging nettle! The kids noticed it on a hike in the woods last week. I loved that they called out "stinging nettle" like it was no big deal, knew not to touch it and moved on. It gave me insight for our upcoming travels, we can just acknowledge things and move on - my kids are growing up.
Anyway this spring bloom has perfect timing because I felt a cold coming on. We picked and brewed up some fresh stinging nettle tea and after a few cups and a good night's sleep I felt that the cold was gone. I think I caught it right in the early stages. I knew stinging nettle was good for me, but this instant cure made be a true believer... and it is growing for free and wild right here. A quick internet search will reveal all that this magical herb can cure. I've decided to drink it every day for one month (spring tonic) as one site suggests.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

le planning

In honour of all of the trip planning I've been doing for the South of France I decided to try this wine (among many others). Yes it is rosé - I'm breaking out of my black-sheep-of-the-family status - me being the lone white wine drinker in the family. Needless to say the wine was fine. And our planning is coming along nicely. However I have really been procrastinating on the house rental (our own). I have got to focus on that next. It is much more fun imagining where we will be next year, rather than trying to secure tenants for this summer...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

bird love

Buddy made this little bird seed heart for the feathered friends around our house.