Saturday, March 2, 2013

back to the jungle

After a much anticipated visit from Buddy and Girl's grandparents on one of Thailand's busiest islands, we are now drowning our sorrows with a good dose of hiking and exploring Khao Sok National Park. We have been lucky to have had visits with friends and family during our trip and it always takes a few days to regroup. With an epic day traveling to our guesthouse at the gates of the park, we were able to talk about homesickness and all of our friends and family at home. Today we woke up ready to hit the trail. It is extremely humid and hot here, possibly one of the hottest places we have been. But who really knows, it is all starting to blur. Add in zero wind and the constant buzzing of what has to be millions of cicadas and that is the scene of our hike.

We spend one more day in the park and then are catching a long-tail boat out onto the reservoir for an overnight trip sleeping in floating bungalows. Keeping the kids busy learning new things and pressing onward, we are hoping is the secret to our success and getting them through.
The best thing about being in nature with Buddy and Girl is all of the time we get to spend together physically moving and chatting about things we see, memories we've made, friends at home and anything that pops into their minds. Besides the drill-like cicada noise, it is quiet, the air is fresh and in a way it feels like home.


  1. Well the grandparents are home after 27 hours of travelling and of course miss you all but happy to be here. Glad to hear that the homesickness is not lasting; there are still so many good adventures ahead and we are looking forward to hearing about them.


    1. We are happy to hear that you made it home safe and sound!

  2. It's hard to imagine that anyone would feel homesick living in a place like you are, this looks so, so beautiful. But I guess our homes are in our blood and those familiar things that we grow up with just can't be replaced. If it is any consolation, the weather here is crap and the near biblical like illnesses are still running rampant. Enjoy that warm sun and clean air!

    1. Thanks for the love Catherine! The kids don't seem to be consoled by neither weather or illness, but I am! Hmmm, that sounds a little morbid.
