Saturday, November 24, 2012

sweaty old friends

We have ended up in Chiang Mai at the same time as some of our great friends from home and have plans to explore a few places in northern Thailand together. It is so great to be with people who really love you when you are sweating like a beast. We must be drinking at least 10 litres of water/family/day. It is unbelievable the feeling of constantly being wet with sweat. As we talked today we came up with many terms for all of the areas that we were sweating from and maybe I'll just leave the rest to your imagination.
With our sweaty old friends we checked out the first day of the Thailand International Balloon Festival at a local golf course. The large green space meant the kids could run, and move. We participated in some crafts, watched balloons, used faulty trampolines, ate, danced and I even won a free night in a fancy hotel here, and we have babysitters!
Needless to say we are tired, so please enjoy a few photos from today. By the way if we look cool, we aren't, the sweat is always on.

All of this is going on during Chiang Mai's lantern festival. Beautiful lanterns fill the sky nightly. On our way home tonight we watched one being set off at the Taipei Gate before we made one last stop for a bed time snack of mango sticky rice.
More sweaty fun to come!


  1. I miss that Thai heat! And how awesome that you won the fancy-hotel night while babysitters are in town. Well done. :-)

  2. great photos, say hi to becky, elliot and family
